Fire Extinguisher Testing and Recharging
Dandenong Fire Equipment Maintenance can recharge and test your existing portable fire extinguishers. Many times, when extinguishers require recharge or are due for their five yearly testing routine, service companies simply replace them.
This can lead to excessive costs and not to mention waste. The old extinguishers need to be disposed of. In most instances they are sent for recycling, but in some they are not.
We can avoid adding to waste within the industry by ensuring we conduct an extinguisher recharge or have your existing equipment tested and returned. Of course this isn’t always the best solution, but our experienced technicians can advise you so an informed decision can be made.

Fire Extinguisher Testing and Recharging
Dandenong Fire Equipment Maintenance can recharge and test your existing portable fire extinguishers. Many times, when extinguishers require recharge or are due for their five yearly testing routine, service companies simply replace them.
This can lead to excessive costs and not to mention waste. The old extinguishers need to be disposed of. In most instances they are sent for recycling, but in some they are not.
We can avoid adding to waste within the industry by ensuring we conduct an extinguisher recharge or have your existing equipment tested and returned. Of course this isn’t always the best solution, but our experienced technicians can advise you so an informed decision can be made.

Extinguishers in any building other than class 1(a) and 1(b) are required to be pressure tested every five years.
Many other Victorian authorities also refer to Australian Standards AS1851- 2012 section 10 as the prescribed service standards for equipment on different types of vehicles. For further information on some of the types of vehicles requiring this type of servicing, see our reference section.
If you use or accidentally discharge a fire extinguisher, you may not need to buy a new one. In many cases and if they are not damaged, they can be recharged.
DFEM offer a recharge service where we can come and pick up the used equipment and take it away to have our testing station conduct a recharge and refill. We even leave a spare extinguisher so you are covered until we can get yours back to you.
To see our test and recharge prices, click below.
Got any questions?
Please shoot us an email or call.
Need to buy equipment
For any new equipment including extinguishers, hose reels, vehicle brackets, signage, hydrant adaptors, canvas hoses, caps etc etc visit our sales page for a list of equipment and pricing.